Wednesday, November 7, 2007

When I don't cook

This is what I do when I'm not blogging or taking pictures of food. I read about food and hence, my absence. The cookbooks above are bloody awesome and highly recommended. Australian chef, Kylie Kwong has some fantastic chinese recipes, I particularly liked her duck dish. And DONNA HAY...Oh she's an inspiration. A food stylist in her own right, she has some of the most lush and prestine shots and her presentation indicates what a true artist she is.

Salvating over the pages, I've come a cross a few golden nuggets for my next cooking ventures including, Ricotta baci, tiramasu, pies and lots of other goodies.... so until next time


Anonymous said...

Ok, you and I are cosmically linked through our blogs. Yours is one of the first food blogs I've found that appear to share [1] my photo aesthetic and [2] the type of food I like to cook. Love Kylie, Nigella and Donna (Hay). You've got a new reader. I'll add you to my blogroll as well! bk

kimmy said...

Hallelujah! for the cosmic gods who enable us to be connected. And yes, our taste in photos and food are shared. Woo-hoo new reader - that's always good, welcome to Kimmyville!!!

Oishii Eats said...

I like how you have clear book covers on your cookbooks. Nifty. My books are all soiled up in eggs and oil. Anyways, a stack of cookbooks is always so salivating.

kimmy said...

Well i have a confession to make Jeni, they're borrowed books. i have no plastic covering on my own books, but i do try and keep them away from the oven and stove as much as possible. Thanks for stopping by jeni...cheers